报告日期 | 姓名 | 报告内容 |
2013-3-6 | 牛振民 | MIR146A and autoimmune disease |
2013-3-6 | 王博洋 | HIF2A/EPAS1在藏族人高原适应中的作用 |
2013-3-13 | 王博石 | 三聚氰酸-三聚氰胺(CA-M)介导的生物分子识别(及应用) |
2013-3-13 | 黄修远 | DNA analysis of an early modern human from Tianyuan Cave, China |
2013-3-13 | 张 成 | 高通量测序数据的比对软件 |
2013-3-20 | 魏汉敏 | Initial Prostate Biopsy: Development and Internal Validation of a Biopsy-specific Nomogram Based on the Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 Assay |
2013-3-20 | 谌 婷 | 单细胞的全基因组测序---单细胞全基因组扩增的方法和应用 |
2013-3-27 | 胡 雅 | Exploring Neanderthal population history with Vindija and Altai samples |
2013-3-27 | 陈林颀 | Experimental strategies for microRNA target identification |
2013-3-27 | 王 琨 | Exposures , Outcomes and Association Results---the Rotterdam scan study |
2013-4-10 | 许梦佳 | Genetic heterogeneity of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma |
2013-4-10 | 牟 琳 | 外显子组测序和肝癌发生有关的基因 |
2013-4-17 | 韦兰海 | 新疆史前时期的考古文化变迁与人群来源 |
2013-4-17 | 李 轶 | Gene-based and pathway-based methods for detecting association incase–control association studies |
2013-4-24 | 孙 畅 | Evolution in Human CYP3A and CYP2D locus: Signatures of Positive Selection and Implications for Environmental Adaptation |
2013-4-24 | 刘 旭 | A new method for genotyping HLA-B haplotype——LAMP |
2013-4-24 | 吴一鸣 | FMRP targets distinct mRNA sequence elements to regulate protein expression |
2013-5-15 | 易会广 | 无参考基因组的比较基因组学研究 |
2013-5-15 | 洪胜君 | 基于转录组测序数据的基因共表达网络研究 |
2013-5-22 | 杜仁骞 | 人类基因组上拷贝数变异(CNV)的分析及小儿神经发育性疾病中罕见CNV的功能初探 |
2013-5-22 | 蒋跃明 | 乙肝病毒系统发育关系构建与碱基替换形式趋异研究 |
2013-5-29 | 马 滕 | 性染色体多态性遗传标记的法医遗传学研究 |
2013-5-29 | 伍 婷 | 中药治疗硬皮病纤维化的分子机制初探 |
2013-5-29 | 王 珏 | NOTCH1基因在法洛氏四联症中的突变筛查与功能分析 |
2013-6-5 | 严凤阳 | BRMS1 Suppresses Lung Cancer Metastases through an E3 Ligase Function on Histone Acetyltransferase p300 |
2013-6-5 | 张嘉茗 | Fast and accurate genotype imputation in genome-wide association studies through pre-phasing |